


Development, software, optimization, resources


This article considers methods and ways of automating software optimization using additional programs and analyzing their algorithms and the principle of operation. Since against the background of the rapid growth of computing power, the question arises about these resources’ rational use. With the development of technologies, software development is faced with the problem of degradation of the quality of created applications and the lack of search for new optimization methods. Initially, software development faced an insurmountable wall in the form of a brutal resource limit, which encouraged developers to look for new
strategies and tricks to implement the conceived project. Currently, due to breakneck pace of development of computing power, developers have lost this wall as an incentive in search of new methods of implementation and optimization. The developers faced a new problem - the rational use of computing power. For many next-generation applications, I/O constraints limit the performance level that can be achieved. A large and important class of resource-intensive applications is irregular, contains complex data-dependent execution behavior, and dynamic, with resource requirements that change over time. Because the interactions between the application and system software vary between applications and at runtime, analysts are looking to optimize performance need runtime libraries and analysis tools to uncover application I/O behavior. A Developer can use both manual optimization methods and optimizing additional software or optimizing compilers. Optimizing other software and compilers will help reduce the time spent on the optimization stage.

Author Biographies

I. Lazarev, Karaganda Technical University

Master of Computing technology and software

I. Tomilova, Karaganda Technical University

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Information-Computing Systems


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How to Cite

Lazarev, I., & Tomilova, I. (2020). THE RATIONAL USE OF COMPUTING POWER IN MODERN TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRONICS. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 4(4), 77–87.



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