



professional education, professional development of teachers, distance learning technologies, distance learning, e-learning, instrumental and methodological support, instrument, methodological support


The article presents and describes a tool for the professional development of teachers. Special attention is paid to the subject-methodical section, the implementation of which since 2020 has been taking place in an online form with the use of distance educational technologies. The article describes and presents the concepts of «e-learning» and «distance learning technologies,» and briefly presents the history of the development of distance education in the world. The article contains a description of the advantages of distance learning, as well as an analysis of the difficulties experienced by students of training courses and seminars, and advanced training of distance courses. In the post-industrial world, one of the main qualification requirements is professional mobility, determined by readiness for continuous retraining and advanced training. The education system, designed to ensure the increase of human capital, and increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the economy, should, first of all, prepare people for life in rapidly changing conditions. Therefore, the system itself must keep up with the changes taking place. The main challenge of 2020 was the emergency transfer of the educational process to a remote form using e-learning technologies. The education system did not have time to «group up» and prepare. The implementation of educational programs in a remote format required careful coordination of pedagogical activities and thoughtful administration of the process. The crisis exposed serious substantive and organizational problems in the industry and identified professional-pedagogical difficulties in the field of ICT competence: both at the level of the general user and the level of the general pedagogical component. The pedagogical community has an objective need to master new competencies. We can assume that the current situation will inevitably entail changes in the standards of training and retraining, as well as the emergence of new training programs.

Author Biographies

Karina Balginbayeva, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

PhD doctoral student of Computer Science in Education, Department of Computer Science

Akhan Mubarakov, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Computer Science


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How to Cite

Balginbayeva, K., & Mubarakov, A. (2022). EXPERIENCE IN USING DISTANCE LEARNING TOOLS IN PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGICAL CORPS. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 12(12), 65–80. https://doi.org/10.37943/12TUVU9953



Information Technologies