



agglutinative languages, integral approach, CTC, LSHTM, neural network, speech recognition


With the improvement of intelligent systems, speech recognition technologies are being widely integrated into various aspects of human life. Speech recognition is applied to smart assistants, smart home infrastructure, the call center applications of banks, information system components for impaired people, etc. But these facilities of information systems are available only for common languages, like English, Chinese, or Russian. For low-resource language, these opportunities for information technologies are still not implemented. Most modern speech recognition approaches are still not tested on agglutinative languages, especially for the languages of Turkic group like Kazakh, Tatar, and Turkish Languages. The HMM-GMM (Hidden Markov Models - Gaussian Mixture Models) model has been the most popular in the field of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for a long time. Currently, neural networks are widely used in different fields of NLP, especially in automatic speech recognition. In an enormous number of works application of neural networks within different stages of automatic speech recognition makes the quality level of this systems much better. Integral speech recognition systems based on neural networks are investigated in the article. The paper proves that the Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) model works precisely for agglutinative languages. The author conducted an experiment with the LSHTM neural network using an encoder-decoder model, which is based on the attention-based models. The result of the experiment showed a Character Error Rate (CER) equal to 8.01% and a Word Error Rate (WER) equal to 17.91%. This result proves the possibility of getting a good ASR model without the use of the Language Model (LM).

Author Biographies

Bekarystankyzy Akbayan, Satbayev University, Narxoz University

Master of IS, PhD student

Mamyrbayev Orken Zhumazhanovich, Institute of Information and Computational Technologies, CS MES RK

PhD, Professor, Deputy Director


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How to Cite

Bekarystankyzy, A., & Mamyrbayev, O. (2023). ЕND-TO-END SPEECH RECOGNITION SYSTEMS FOR AGGLUTINATIVE LANGUAGES. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 13(13), 86–92. https://doi.org/10.37943/13IMII7575



Information Technologies