


neural network technology, modeling of technological processes, optimizing the mode, agglomeration furnace, control system and industrial automation


During the operation of the lead-zinc production while processing of polymetallic ores, problems arose related to the quality of products and the efficient use of equipment – agglomeration furnace and crushing apparatus. Previously, such issues were resolved due to the experiences and based on mathematical modeling of processes. The mathematical model for optimizing unnecessary such operating mode is a difficult program. Performing calculations is required a fairly large investment of time and resources. Therefore, the program of the mathematical model for optimizing the operating mode of the agglomeration furnace and the crushing device for sinter firing was replaced with a neural network by implementing the process of training the network based on the results of calculations on a mathematical model. The results obtained showed that neural network models were more accurate than mathematical models, which made it possible to solve production optimization problems of great complexity. The use of neural networks for modeling technological processes has made it possible to increase the efficiency of product quality control systems and automatic control systems for the roasting of sulfide polymetallic ores.

Author Biographies

G. Abitova, Astana IT University

PhD, the Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of ICT Educational Program

V. Nikulin, Binghamton University

PhD, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

T. Zadenova, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Doctoral Student of Systems Analysis and Management Department


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How to Cite

Abitova, G., Nikulin, V., & Zadenova, T. (2021). NEURAL NETWORK MODELING AND OPTIMISING OF THE AGGLOMERATION PROCESS OF SULPHIDE POLYMETALLIC ORES. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 6(6), 4–14.



Information Technologies