


neural network, traffic sign, deep learning, machine learning, CNN


Recognizing road signs is one of the most important steps drivers can take to help prevent accidents. The purpose of the research work is to develop a recognition system, increasing the classification accuracy of the model, using deep learning methods of the road sign recognition system for drivers in real time on the road. Stages of road sign image classification were carried out, and other authors' solutions were analyzed. In addition, in this work, a convolutional neural network (CNN) was used for an autonomous traffic and road sign detection and recognition system. The proposed system works in real-time on the recognition of road signs images. In this paper, a model is trained using deep learning of 43 different road signs using existing datasets and collected local road signs. A traffic sign detection and recognition system is presented using an 8-layer convolutional neural network, which acquires different functions by training different types of traffic signs.

In previous studies, models were trained using simple machine learning algorithms, but the relevance of this study is that a CNN model was trained for a classification task based on convolutional neural networks using deep learning. As a result of the study, classification accuracy of 95% was obtained using deep learning methods. As a novelty of the work, it is possible to note the diversity of the convolutional network methods used to increase the efficiency of the used data set and model training algorithms, the variety of received road signs and algorithms for its recognition, as well as the achievement of a high accuracy rate. This allowed the system to overcome the limited accuracy and performance issues caused by environmental factors, and to be more versatile and accurate than most modern systems.

Author Biographies

Sharipa Temirgaziyeva, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Master’s Student of the “Information Systems” Program

Batyrkhan Omarov, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems


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How to Cite

Temirgaziyeva, S., & Omarov, B. (2022). TRAFFIC SIGN RECOGNITION WITH CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 12(12), 14–23.



Information Technologies