



street lights, automation, smart technologies, optimization, modeling, data collection and processing algorithms.


Traditional street lighting systems receive data about daylight levels and adjust lighting. However, in such conditions, energy consumption increases since the sensors of such systems receive data on only one indicator which is daylight. Therefore, a suitable automated intelligent lighting system model is needed. Intelligent lighting systems can adjust the brightness of the light not only based on natural data, but also based on the movement of vehicles and people. This paper describes the development, implementation, and testing of a smart lighting system model to increase energy efficiency and high reliability. This system is controlled by a micro-controller programmed to control the lighting and receive data from sensors for processing with good efficiency. Distributed sensors record environmental conditions such as daylight and traffic. Photo-resistors change resistance in daylight to light up the streets at night. The HC-SR501 infrared motion sensor detects objects emitting infrared radiation (heat) in the controlled motion zone and sends a signal to the micro-controller. The intelligent lighting system uses LED's, which consume less energy and achieve high efficiency. Calculations show that the efficiency of using these lamps is almost 70%, compared to what is used in conventional street lighting systems.

Author Biographies

Arailym Tleubayeva, Astana IT university

Master of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Computer Engineering

Maidanov Assar, Astana IT University

Student Bachelor of Astana IT University

Kantayeva Arina , Astana IT University

Student Bachelor of Astana IT University


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How to Cite

Tleubayeva, A., Maidanov, A., & Kantayeva, A. (2022). A MODEL OF AN AUTONOMOUS SMART LIGHTING SYSTEM USING SENSORS. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 12(12), 34–44. https://doi.org/10.37943/12UICC8045



Information Technologies