


control synthesis, machine learning control, symbolic regression, evolutionary algorithm


This paper presents a novel numerical method for solving the control system synthesis problem through the application of machine learning techniques, with a particular focus on symbolic regression. Symbolic regression is used to automate the development of control systems by constructing mathematical expressions that describe control functions based on system data. Unlike traditional methods, which often require manual programming and tuning, this approach leverages machine learning to discover optimal control solutions. The paper introduces a general framework for machine learning in control system design, with an emphasis on the use of evolutionary algorithms to optimize the generated control functions. The key contribution of this research lies in the development of an algorithm based on the principle of small variations in the baseline solution. This approach significantly enhances the efficiency of discovering optimal control functions by systematically exploring the solution space with minimal adjustments. The method allows for the automatic generation of control laws, reducing the need for manual coding, which is especially beneficial in the context of complex control systems, such as robotics. To demonstrate the applicability of the method, the research applies symbolic regression to the control synthesis of a mobile robot. The results of this case study show that symbolic regression can effectively automate the process of generating control functions, significantly reducing development time while improving accuracy. However, the paper also acknowledges certain limitations, including the computational demands required for symbolic regression and the challenges associated with real-time implementation in highly dynamic environments. These issues represent important areas for future research, where further optimization and hybrid approaches may enhance the method's practicality and scalability in real-world applications.

Author Biographies

Askhat Diveev, Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, Kazakhstan

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science, Institute of Engineering and Technology


Nurbek Konyrbaev , Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, Kazakhstan

PhD, Аssociate professor, head of the Department of Computer Science, Institute of Engineering and Technology

Zharasbek Baishemirov, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Kazakhstan

Associate Professor of School of Applied Mathematics, Kazakh-British Technical University, Kazakhstan

Asem Galymzhankyzy, Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, Kazakhstan

Master, Teacher of the Department of Computer Science, Institute of Engineering and Technology

Oralbek Abdullayev, Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, Kazakhstan

Master, Teacher of the Department of Computer Science, Institute of Engineering and Technology


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How to Cite

Diveev, A. ., Konyrbaev , N. ., Baishemirov, Z. ., Galymzhankyzy, A. ., & Abdullayev, O. . (2024). CONTROL SYSTEMS SYNTHESIS FOR ROBOTS ON THE BASE OF MACHINE LEARNING BY SYMBOLIC REGRESSION. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 19, 128–139.



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