


physical experiment, laboratory installation, computer vision, secondary education, higher education, information and communication technologies, computer technologies


Laboratory experiments in physics are a fundamental basis for studying physical phenomena occurring in nature and a methodological tool that provides visibility of the learning process and conducting experiments is important for the formation of students’ scientific worldview, deep understanding of physical laws and increasing interest in the study of physics. Existing in universities and schools, in addition to traditional ones, modern tools, technologies and approaches, such as virtual reality, augmented reality, computer modelling, online laboratories, virtual laboratory and others, are additional tools for improving the quality of the learning process and teaching techniques, which do not replace full-scale experiments, but only supplement them. In our opinion, for better learning, laboratory installations in physics are needed, with the help of which students can carry out real-life experiments and can broadcast them using innovative computer technologies for distance learning. To implement this task, we reviewed and analysed existing laboratory installations, identified their advantages and disadvantages, and then designed and developed alternative digital experimental set-ups for studying physics phenomena in laboratory conditions of educational institutions based on computer vision technology and presented the results of the study in this article. In carrying out the research tasks, effective methods of conducting scientific research were used, such as theoretical substantiation of the issue, experimental testing of the developed hardware and software systems and computer final processing of experimental data. In summary, the research described in the paper presents an innovative mechanism for integrating object tracking based on computer vision to improve the quality of measurements and new ways of conducting physics experiments. The mechanical laboratory complexes we have developed consist of hardware and software parts. The software part consists of server and client parts. The hardware consists of the main part - the scene, where the physical process takes place, i.e. where a physical object is located, such as a mathematical pendulum, an inclined plane, etc., with the help of which many physical phenomena and processes in mechanics can be demonstrated, and an additional part where a microcomputer and a camera are located. The operating principle of the laboratory installation is based on the use of computer vision technology, i.e. a system for monitoring the ongoing physical process, consisting of a digital camera for image processing, object identification and data export, and a microcomputer for processing experimental data. The use of the experimental installations in the process of teaching physics is a new model of teaching with a promising future in secondary and higher education, and the installations themselves will become tools for offline and online learning, due to the use of computer vision technology, revealing new opportunities and approaches to teaching.

Author Biographies

Bekbolat Medetov , L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan

PhD, associate professor, Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications department

Ainur Zhetpisbayeva , L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan

PhD, associate professor, Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications department

Tansaule Serikov , Seifullin University, Kazakhstan

PhD, associate professor, Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications department

Botagoz Khamzina, Seifullin University, Kazakhstan

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications department

Asset Yskak , Nazarbaev University, Kazakhstan

Master of technical sciences, Researcher, Robotics department

Dauren Zhexebay , Al-Farabi Kazakh National university, Kazakhstan

PhD, Senior Lecturer, Solid state physics and nonlinear physics department


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How to Cite

Medetov , B., Zhetpisbayeva , A., Serikov , T., Khamzina, B., Yskak , A., & Zhexebay , D. (2024). IMPLEMENTATION OF NATURAL EXPERIMENTS IN PHYSICS USING COMPUTER VISION. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 19, 28–45.



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