


federated learning, FedAvg , FedAdam , FedYogi , FedSparse , loss , accuracy


In this paper, the authors propose a new machine learning paradigm, federated machine learning. This method produces accurate predictions without revealing private data. It requires less network traffic, reduces communication costs and enables private learning from device to device. Federated machine learning helps to build models and further the models are moved to the device. Applications are particularly prevalent in healthcare, finance, retail, etc., as regulations make it difficult to share sensitive information. Note that this method creates an opportunity to build models with huge amounts of data by combining multiple databases and devices. There are many algorithms available in this area of machine learning and new ones are constantly being created. Our paper presents a comparative analysis of algorithms: FedAdam, FedYogi and FedSparse. But we need to keep in mind that FedAvg is at the core of many federated machine learning algorithms. Data testing was conducted using the Flower and Kaggle platforms with the above algorithms.

Federated machine learning technology is usable in smartphones and other devices where it can create accurate predictions without revealing raw personal data. In organizations, it can reduce network load and enable private learning between devices. Federated machine learning can help develop models for the Internet of Things that adapt to changes in the system while protecting user privacy. And it is also used to develop an AI model to meet the risk requirements of leaking client's personal data. The main aspects to consider are privacy and security of the data, the choice of the client to whom the algorithm itself will be directed to process the data, communication costs as well as its quality, and the platform for model aggregation.


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How to Cite

Bektemyssova, G., & Bakirova, G. (2024). COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF FEDERATED MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS . Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 17(17), 57–67.



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