


monitoring of water resources, owl ontology, Ile-Balkhash basin, geo-data management, water shortage crisis, data package


The world is facing an escalating water shortage crisis, with dire consequences for ecosystems, human health, and socio-economic development. This article explores the multifaceted nature of the water shortage problem of Ile-Balkhash basin that falls under the jurisdiction of the Balkhash-Alakol Republic of Kazakhstan, its underlying causes, and the complex web of challenges it presents. The predicament in the Ile-Balkhash basin is a complex interplay of various factors. Climate change has led to erratic precipitation patterns, exacerbating the problem. The simultaneous rise in population places additional stress on the already limited water resources. Moreover, inefficient water management practices have perpetuated the issue, hindering the equitable distribution of water. The challenge of conducting a comprehensive basin analysis is a formidable task due to the numerous variables and indicators involved. It demands an enormous amount of time and effort. To address this issue, a web application framework integrated with the Web Ontology Language database, allowing for the execution of advanced queries to extract valuable insights from various objects and indicators, has been developed. The database underpinning this system is meticulously compiled, drawing upon data from the Hydrological monitoring of water bodies and the National Hydrometeorological Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan. These sources provide critical data that forms the bedrock of the analysis. Recognizing the importance of data storage and management in this endeavor, integrated components have been established. These components play a pivotal role in structuring the diverse data sources and maintaining their currency. The water shortage issue in the Ile-Balkhash basin serves as a stark reminder of the urgency with which such crises must be addressed. The tools and methods offer hope and underscore global water management sustainability.


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How to Cite

Zhiyenbayev, M. ., Ospan, A. ., Kunicina, N. ., Mansurova, M., & Titkov, R. (2023). SYSTEMATIC DATA PROCUREMENT IN AN OWL-EMBEDDED INFORMATION AND ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE MONITORING OF WATER RESOURCES IN THE ILE-BALKHASH BASIN. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 15(15), 125–138.



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