



IT in medicine, diagnostic model, mathematical decision-making method, modeling


One of the primary focuses of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning sustainable and stable improvements in the well-being of its population is the advancement of the healthcare sector. A mathematical model for an automated medical diagnostics system integrates machine learning algorithms, statistical models, and decision trees to analyze patient data and facilitate accurate diagnoses. This model enables healthcare professionals to enhance the efficiency and reliability of medical diagnostics by leveraging advanced computational techniques. These distinguishing features can be incorporated by developing a mathematical model for diagnosing diseases, enabling precise identification, and guiding appropriate treatment strategies.

Machine learning algorithms play a crucial role in automated systems for medical diagnostics. An ensemble of multiple algorithms, such as combining decision trees with gradient boosting or using a combination of neural networks and traditional machine learning, can yield improved diagnostic accuracy and robustness. Predicting the progression of diseases is a crucial aspect of healthcare, enabling personalized interventions and improved patient outcomes. A mathematical approach can facilitate this prediction by monitoring changes in diagnostic results aligned with the severity of symptoms, which inherently vary over the observation period. By employing mathematical modeling techniques, healthcare professionals gain valuable insights into disease progression, supporting informed decision-making and tailored treatments.

In conclusion, developing a mathematical model for an automated medical diagnostics system, incorporating machine learning algorithms, statistical models, and decision trees, significantly contributes to healthcare. These models enhance the accuracy, efficiency, and personalization of medical diagnoses. Additionally, mathematical models aid in the differential diagnosis of challenging conditions and provide predictions regarding disease progression, ultimately benefiting patient care and treatment outcomes.


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How to Cite

Myrzakerimova, A., Kolesnikova, K. ., & Nurmaganbetova, M. (2023). A MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR AN AUTOMATED SYSTEM OF MEDICAL DIAGNOSTICS. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 15(15), 71–84. https://doi.org/10.37943/15VKHJ9410



Information Technologies