


The educational optimization process is widely researched in the theoretical aspect. Analyzing existing sources made it possible to highlight the research issues: the need to create an optimizing distance studying model, in which work with weaker students becomes possible both within the educational process and in individual or group independent work. The study aims to develop an information-logical model for optimizing distance studying. This model should provide for the learning process organization in such a way as to strengthen the weaknesses of students, reveal their potential and focus on the comprehensive development of knowledge and skills. The task formalization is carried out using the Hungarian algorithm and Boolean variables. The main work limitation is the operation with integers. Discreteness manifests itself already at the modelling stages in many problems, for example, when working with Boolean variables. An example with the most straightforward information model construction using the logical functions "true/false" with the transition to a chain of matrices is given. It demonstrates the studying optimization algorithm and presents an expanded information-logical model. The presented model was preliminary tested in one of the academic groups of the S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical Research University. Students' knowledge inspections were carried out at the approbation beginning. Then a student group working on a student project was divided into subgroups according to the algorithm. The knowledge inspection showed an 11.3% improvement in results at the work's end. Further research on this topic may consist of expanding the presented model's capabilities and developing appropriate modules for knowledge control and algorithmization of related tasks.


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How to Cite

Zunimova, G., Soltan, G., Likhacheuski, D., & Issayeva, N. (2023). INFORMATION-LOGICAL MODEL OF EDUCATION OPTIMIZATION IN REMOTE MODE. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 14(14), 57–70.



Information Technologies