secondary education, mathematics, adapted personalized learning, pedagogical experiment, motivation, Kramer–Welch statistical criterionAbstract
The article presents theoretical and empirical results of the study of the advantages of adaptive learning. The practice of creating and organizing adaptive learning for students using the «Moodle» platform is considered, and the results of the application of the adaptive learning model in the preparation of first and second-year students in secondary vocational education are presented. The article presents the results of the input, intermediate, and control measures that the control and experimental groups took. The results are presented both in tabular form, indicating the individual achievements of students in points, and in the form of bar charts. Based on the data obtained, it is possible to quantify the progress in the study of the discipline of mathematics and to compare the individual achievements of students. Thanks to a detailed assessment of various aspects of the results of experimental tasks, it is possible to identify with high accuracy the strengths and weaknesses in the preparation of each of the students, to give individual recommendations for further training. The verification of the validity of the coincidences and differences in the characteristics of the control and experimental groups was carried out by using the Kramer–Welch statistical criterion, which demonstrated, on the one hand, the equality of the training levels of the control and experimental groups at the beginning of the pedagogical experiment under consideration, and on the other hand, the significance of the difference in the level of training at the end of the training process through the application of the proposed methodology.
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