


digital journalism, multicultural content, database, television, journalistic education, internet representation, format, media, network technologies, content analysis.


The development of digital technologies stimulates changes in the field of education, including for students of the educational programs «Digital Journalism» and «Media Technologies». This paper presents the practice of using a database of digital multicultural content in journalism lessons. The relevance of this scientific publication is due to the need to integrate digital technologies into the educational process and the development of students’ skills in working with programming languages. The importance of using such content is described by the modern realities of the educational system, when all members of the academic community are involved in the process of forming national identity within the country and global globalization. Kazakhstan’s conditions demonstrate the penetration of cultures of various ethnic groups, religions, which is the reality of modern teachers and students. The author offers a model for creating a database of digital multicultural content. To do this, the multicultural content of three TV channels and online publications posted on digital services is being studied. The design and structuring of web portals, interfaces, and content are studied. The author conducts quantitative and qualitative research of media materials. A parallel is drawn between the amount of digital content published on television and on Internet resources. Through lexical and compositional analysis, trends and issues of digital multicultural content are identified. The information obtained during the study was organized into a database in the PostgreSQL programming language. As an experiment, the use of the database was tested in journalism lessons when performing exercises and conducting mini-studies. At the end of the training course, a survey of students was conducted on the effectiveness of using databases in the classroom. The students’ answers are analyzed and presented in a generalized form. The methodological methods of working with students described and analyzed in this article are important material for the development of the educational goals of future journalists.

Author Biographies

Bogdan Petrov, Astana IT University, Kazakhstan

Master of Social Sciences, Teacher of “Digital Journalism” and
“Media technologies”

Arailym Bakenova , Astana IT University, Kazakhstan

Student of “Media technologies” Educational Program

Saltanat Yensebayeva , Astana IT University, Kazakhstan

Student of “Media technologies” Educational Program


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How to Cite

Petrov, B., Bakenova , A. ., & Yensebayeva , S. . (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF A DATABASE OF DIGITAL MULTICULTURAL CONTENT AND APPLICATION IN JOURNALISM LESSONS. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 10(10).



Information Technologies