



Data collection, COVID-19, laboratory information system, automation, information systems, API, web services, SQL


This article describes the process of centralized collection of laboratory study results for COVID-19. Their further analysis using web service technology since the spread of COVID-19 has affected the economic and social life in all countries of the world, including the Republic of Kazakhstan, which has led to an acceleration in the adopting of digital technologies in a wide variety of areas. Digitalization contributes to the transition to the online environment of health care, office work, education, and receiving more data on the spread of the virus, and exchanging information on laboratory studies results. The presented solution is an analytical module and it is based on the LIS SmartLAB platform [1]. It performs complex automation of the laboratory, in particular, PCR (polymerase chain reaction) [2] laboratory, observing all work processes to obtain reliable results by direct interaction with laboratory equipment according to international standards HL7 (English Health Level 7) [3], ASTM (English American Society for Testing and Materials) [4] and automatic detection of deviations from regulatory data. For implementing of the solution, used LIS SmartLAB platform, and PHP 7.3 was used as the API development language, and MariaDB 10.3 was used as the DBMS. At present, the analytical module has been tested in four PCR laboratories for transferring the results of laboratory studies to the portal of the “National Center for Expertise” of the Committee for Quality Control and Safety of Goods and Services of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Author Biographies

K. Kadirkulov, S. Seifullin Agrotechnical University

PhD doctoral student of Information technology department

A. Ismailova, S. Seifullin Agrotechnical University

PhD, senior lecturer of Information technology department


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How to Cite

Kadirkulov, K., & Ismailova, A. (2020). CENTRALIZED COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF LABORATORY RESEARCH RESULTS ON COVID-19. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 4(4), 58–66. https://doi.org/10.37943/AITU.2020.28.52.008



Information Technologies