system engineering, Markov models, adjacency matrix, directed graph, graph theory, evaluation, decision making under uncertainty, game theory, project management, competency modelAbstract
The article proposes to consider some of the results of the analysis of the internal relations of the structure of the model of individual competencies of project managers, proposed by the International Project Management Association (ICB IPMA). A method is proposed for analyzing such structures, which provides for a series of steps, starting with the formulation of the problem and identification of the system investigated for solving the problem, and ending with updating the idea of the structure of interactions of the elements of the system under consideration and setting a new problem (problem). The authors use an approach such as system engineering based on modeling, which assumes a plurality of representations (models) in the study of one system. In the article, the system under study is presented both in the form of a graph and in the form of an adjacency matrix, which makes it possible to use various methods of analysis and build various models on a common model of primary data. When presented in the form of a graph, an example of application for analysis of such software as yEd and Gephi is considered. When analyzing using matrix analysis, it is first of all proposed to use classical methods of analyzing such representations as Markov systems with discrete states. It is suggested to consider the representation in the form of a second-order adjacency matrix, presenting it in the form of a “system landscape” showing the number of “paths” of transitions from one state to another (connections between elements), including through the adjacent elements of the system. It is proposed to consider such a matrix as an analogue of a “decision matrix”, considering the full set of system elements both as a set of “strategies” and as a set of “reactions” to strategies, which allows applying the methods of analysis of such a matrix used in game theory (decision theory). The closeness between the conclusions obtained on the basis of the analysis of the set of visual representations proposed by the authors and also the analytical approach they use, using elements of Markov analysis and game theory, is shown.
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