


information technology, scientific project, integrated risk management, information base structure, uncertainty conditions, behavioral economics


The relevance of the topic is that currently the development of information technology allows to implement integrated risk management of scientific projects, which, in turn, expands the range of opportunities for project managers to manage integrated human risks, conflicts and factors of behavioral economics.
This study aims to develop the structure of the information base for integrated risk management of scientific projects under uncertainty conditions and behavioral economics.
To achieve this goal it is necessary to perform the following tasks:
• to analyze information technologies that can be used to create information bases for risk management of scientific projects;
• to develop a scheme for the implementation of information technology for integrated risk management of scientific projects under uncertainty conditions and behavioral economics;
• to develop an algorithm for filling the information technology for integrated risk management of scientific projects under uncertainty conditions and behavioral economics.
The information technology of integrated risk management of scientific projects in the conditions of uncertainty and behavioral economy which will be constructed on the basis of the developed structure of information base IRMSP is offered. The research was conducted within the framework of project management methodology using information technology tools. Thus, the structure of information technology of integrated risk management of scientific projects under uncertainty conditions and behavioral economics, as well as the scheme of its implementation was designed, which in turn will allow the head of the scientific project and his team to implement the IRMSP methodology developed by the authors in order to ensure the successful and timely implementation of the scientific project to meet the needs of its stakeholders.

Author Biographies

E. Danchenko, Cherkassy State Technological University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Systems Analysis

O. Bakulich, National Transport University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Management

P. Teslenko, Odessa National Polytechnic University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of IT Designing Training

D. Bedrii, Odessa National Polytechnic University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of IT Designing Training

O. Bielova, «KROK» University

Candidate of Economical Sciences, Associate professor, Associate professor of the Department of Marketing and Behavioral Economics

I. Semko, Cherkassy State Technological University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering Systems


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How to Cite

Danchenko, E., Bakulich, O., Teslenko, P., Bedrii, D., Bielova, O., & Semko, I. (2021). INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OF INTEGRATED RISK MANAGEMENT OF SCIENTIFIC PROJECTS UNDER UNCERTAINTY AND BEHAVIORAL ECONOMY. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 5(5), 63–76.



Information Technologies