Markov chain, communication system, modelling of complex system, probability matrix, unified model, stochastic systems, educational institutionsAbstract
The paper presents the theoretical foundations of creating the educational environment of an educational institution using the project approach at the stage of building models and displaying communications in the information environment following GOST R 54869 – 2011. The article considers the Markov process with discrete states, discrete-time, and homogeneous characteristics of transition probabilities. The latter means that the transition probabilities for the series do not change over time. The set of specific values of transition probabilities characterizes the level of organizational maturity of the project. A unified method of transformation of iconographic models of states of complex systems in the Markov chain is developed. The method has sufficient simplicity of the mathematical apparatus and high reliability of the mapping of the phenomenological properties of stochastic systems. The developed model allows us to study the features of communication processes incompetently oriented information training systems in the educational environment of educational institutions and to obtain a quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of such systems. The management of educational activities of an educational institution should be considered as a continuous process of improving its activities in the conditions of modern competition in the market of educational services. The proposed model, based on the project approach, will allow the efficient use of material resources, as well as flexibly respond to any changes both within the educational institution and in the external environment.
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