


quantum cryptography, quantum key distribution, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, superposition, quantum gate, quantum entanglement.


The proposed article is devoted to the investigation of quantum key distribution protocols. The idiosyncrasy of this theme lies within the truth that present day strategies of key distribution, which utilize classical computing at their center, have critical downsides, in contrast to quantum key distribution. This issue concerns all sorts of calculations and frameworks for scrambling mystery data, both symmetric encryption with a private key and deviated encryption with an open key. A case is that in a communication channel ensured by quantum key distribution, it is conceivable to distinguish an interceptor between two legitimate organize substances utilizing the standards laid down in quantum material science at the starting of the final century. Standards and hypotheses such as the Heisenberg guideline, quantum trap, superposition, quantum teleportation, and the no-cloning hypothesis. The field of ponder of this theme may be a promising and quickly creating zone within the field of data security and data security. There are as of now made commercial items with the usage of a few of the quantum key dispersion conventions. Numerous of the made items are utilized in different circles of human movement. The significance of applying quantum key distribution conventions beneath perfect conditions without taking into consideration blunders within the frame of quantum clamor is analyzed. The usage of three quantum key distribution conventions is illustrated, as well as the comes about of the appearance of keys and the likelihood of event of each of them. The purpose of the article is pointed at analyzing and investigating quantum key distribution conventions. The article examines the points of interest and impediments of the BB84, B92, and E91 quantum key distribution conventions.

Author Biographies

Y. Begimbayeva, Astana IT University, Kazakhstan

PhD, Assistant Professor of the Department of Intelligent Systems and Cybersecurity

T. Zhaxalykov, Kazakh-British Technical University, Kazakhstan

Master student of Cybersecurity, Faculty of Information Technology


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2022-06-30 — Updated on 2022-06-30

How to Cite

Begimbayeva, Y. ., & Zhaxalykov, T. . (2022). RESEARCH OF QUANTUM KEY DISTRIBUTION PROTOCOLS: BB84, B92, E91. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 10(10).



Information Technologies