



imbalance, genetic algorithm (GA), oversampling, undersampling, hybrid, data analysis


The field of medicine is witnessing rapid development of AI, highlighting the importance of proper data processing. However, when working with medical data, there is a problem of class imbalance, where the amount of data about healthy patients significantly exceeds the amount of data about sick ones. This leads to incorrect classification of the minority class, resulting in inefficient operation of machine learning algorithms. In this study, a hybrid method was developed to address the problem of class imbalance, combining oversampling (GenSMOTE) and undersampling (ENN) algorithms. GenSMOTE used frequency oversampling optimization based on a genetic algorithm, selecting the optimal value using a fitness function. The next stage implemented an ensemble method based on stacking, consisting of three base (k-NN, SVM, LR) and one meta-model (Decision Tree). The hyperparameters of the meta-model were optimized using the GridSearchCV algorithm. During the study, datasets on diabetes, liver diseases, and brain glioma were used. The developed hybrid class balancing method significantly improved the quality of the model: the F1-score increased by 10-75%, and accuracy by 5-30%. Each stage of the hybrid algorithm was visualized using a nonlinear UMAP algorithm. The ensemble method based on stacking, in combination with the hybrid class balancing method, demonstrated high efficiency in solving classification tasks in medicine. This approach can be applied for diagnosing various diseases, which will increase the accuracy and reliability of forecasts. It is planned to expand the application of this approach to large volumes of data and improve the oversampling algorithm using additional capabilities of the genetic algorithm.

Author Biographies

Zholdas Buribayev, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan

PhD, Аcting associate professor, Department of Computer Science

Saida Shaikalamova, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan

BSc, Laboratory assistant, Department of Computer Science

Ainur Yerkos, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan

MSc, Lecturer, Department of Computer Science

Rustem Imanbek, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan

MSc, Software Engineer, Department of Computer Science


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How to Cite

Buribayev, Z. ., Shaikalamova, S., Yerkos, A. . ., & Imanbek, R. . . (2024). EKMGS: A HYBRID CLASS BALANCING METHOD FOR MEDICAL DATA PROCESSING. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 18, 5–16. https://doi.org/10.37943/18PUYJ4315



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