


robotic swarm, formation control, leader-follower, coordination


Maintaining a specific geometric pattern is essential in various applications where groups of autonomous robots must follow a given path. Proper organization of the geometric pattern can lead to several benefits such as cost reduction, increased system reliability, and efficiency while providing a reconfigurable and flexible structure of the system. Military missions and traffic systems are examples where maintaining certain geometric patterns are widely used. However, little is known about how to develop an effective algorithm that guarantees collision avoidance and obstacle avoidance while maintaining the geometric pattern. This paper presents an algorithm for movement with a certain geometric structure of a group of autonomous mobile robots that maintains the required geometric pattern and ensures the avoidance of collisions and obstacles. The proposed algorithm is behavior-based and utilizes a set of rules that allow the robots to navigate around obstacles and avoid collisions. The algorithm's performance is demonstrated through simulations in a variety of scenarios with different numbers of robots and geometric patterns. The algorithm proposed in this paper provides an effective solution for controlling a group of autonomous mobile robots to maintain a certain geometric pattern. The proposed algorithm has the potential to be utilized in numerous applications where multiple robots must work together to achieve a common goal while maintaining a specific formation. The use of behavior-based approach and obstacle avoidance rules ensures that the robots avoid collisions and obstacles while maintaining the required pattern

Author Biographies

Abzal Kyzyrkanov, Astana IT University

Senior-lecturer of Department of Computer Engineering

Sabyrzhan Atanov, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Full Professor of the Department of Computer and Software Engineering

Shadi Aljawarneh, Jordan University of Science and Technology

Full Professor of Software Engineering

Nazira Tursynova, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Lecturer of the Department of Artificial Intelligence Technologies

Zhenis Otarbay, Astana IT University

PhD candidate, Department of Intellectual Systems and Cyber Security

Kymbat Khairosheva, Astana IT University

Master of Science, Teacher of the Department of Intelligent Systems and Cybersecurity


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How to Cite

Kyzyrkanov, A., Atanov, S. A., Aljawarneh, S., Tursynova, N., Otarbay, Z., & Khairosheva, K. (2023). METHOD OF COORDINATION OF MOTION OF SWARM ROBOTIC SYSTEMS. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 13(13), 76–85.



Information Technologies