


training, postgraduate education, methodological competencies, databases, structural models of information systems


The article considers the creation of structural model for the system of development of methodological competence of IT-discipline teachers based on continuing education with the description of the structure of microservices subsystems. To implement the proposed conceptual model the paper proposes a software architecture based on the use of classical service-oriented design pattern "Model-View Separation" (separation of model objects from the graphical interface objects with the user) and provides for interaction with the database, the composition of its main packages is detailed. Logical and physical service-oriented models of basic classes of objects of subject area and auxiliary objects (services) have been developed. The article also proposes a relational database structure based on the use of metadata tables, directories, and operational data in a relational database management system environment. Methods and mechanisms for data protection and replication are proposed and justified, considering the specifics of system operation in higher education institutions. The article aims to develop insurgents and mechanisms of creation of information technology improvement of the system of higher education and creation and operation of integrated flexible software tools to support the mixed system of organization of educational process, as well as increasing the effectiveness of the introduction of a mixed system for the organization of the educational process on the basis of the use of the latest technical means of training and documentation, ensuring free access of students to teaching and methodological resources, сontent and criteria for the assessment of knowledge in disciplines and modules, data recording, and partial compensation for the increased workload of teachers and staff through the automation of assessment, registration and assessment processes. A task-oriented model for managing technical problems in the implementation of the information system for the development of teachers' methodological competence is also proposed, and a conceptual framework for managing these problems has been developed from the perspective of considering projects as a set of objects and subjects. Technical problems in projects are shown to be obstacles to moving in the right direction, created by random events, uncertainties, and changes. A mathematical model of the change in resistance value caused by technical problems has been developed and methods to counteract these problems have been proposed.

Author Biographies

Serik Omirbayev, Astana IT University

Doctor of Economics, Professor, First Vice-Rector

Aidos Mukhatayev, Astana IT University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chief Researcher,
Director of Bologna process and Academic mobility center

Andrii Biloshchytskyi, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Information Technologies

Sapar Toxanov, D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University

PhD candidate

Adil Faizullin, Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

PhD candidate

Svitlana Biloshchytska, Astana IT University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Computational and Data Science


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How to Cite

Omirbayev, S., Mukhatayev, A., Biloshchytskyi, A., Toxanov, S., Faizullin, A., & Biloshchytska, S. (2022). STRUCTURAL MODEL OF THE SYSTEM OF DEVELOPMENT OF METHODOLOGICAL COMPETENCE OF IT-DISCIPLINE TEACHERS ON THE BASIS OF CONTINUING EDUCATION. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 12(12), 122–138.



Information Technologies