



development of management, regional programs, environmental, transport infrastructure facilities, transport enterprises, environmental safety management, critical transport infrastructure facilities, management of regional programs, environmental safety, management program, system analysis, system models.


The objects of the critical transport infrastructure are located in all regions of Ukraine, and the question of the safety of these objects is extremely relevant. A functional approach should be used to form an effective safety management unit for critical transport objects. Therefore, in order to achieve an acceptable level of safety of the critical transport infrastructure, it is necessary to have an effective mechanism for achieving this result, which can be achieved through the formation and efficient management of regional programs for the safe operation of critical transport infrastructure objects. Management models for regional safety programs at critical transport infrastructure facilities based on the existing approaches to construction of models of program and project management are proposed in the article. Critical transport infrastructure includes highways, state-owned transport enterprises, subway facilities, gas stations, bridges, sea and river ports, airports, and pipelines. These facilities are strategic for the state, and as a consequence, vulnerable, so they require special protection. To form an effective apparatus for environmental safety management in critical transport infrastructure facilities, the application of a program approach is proposed in the article. To assess the life cycle of regional environmental safety programs of critical transport infrastructure facilities based on the Deming cycle, a spiral model was developed, which is the environment for the operation of schematic, system, and service models of the environmental safety management program. Development of approaches to the management of regional programs for the environmentally safe operation of critical transport infrastructure facilities, based on the formation of strategic objectives and their decomposition, will be aimed not only at solving existing problems of critical transport infrastructure in the region but factors related to the occurrence of dangerous events for them and the elimination of the causes leading to these problems. A system model for managing regional safety programs for objects of critical transport infrastructure is proposed.

Author Biographies

Olena Barabash, National Transport University, Faculty of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, Ukraine

Doctor of Technical, Professor of the Department of Ecology and Safety of Vital Functions

Vadim Ziuziun, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Information Technologies, Ukraine

PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Management Technologies

Lyubov Kubiavka, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Information Technologies, Ukraine

PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Management Technologies


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How to Cite

Barabash, O., Ziuziun, V., & Kubiavka, L. (2022). ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF MANAGEMENT MODELS FOR REGIONAL PROGRAMS OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SAFE OPERATION AT CRITICAL TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 12(12), 24–33. https://doi.org/10.37943/12SWCH3968



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