



stakeholdership, assessment tools, learning outcomes, students’ competencies, design of teaching technology, competency-based approach


The article gives an overview of Astana IT University’s (AITU) experience in performing the teaching conditions for achieving the learning outcomes. The introduction of a competency-based approach to the formation and assessment of learning outcomes has led to a new system of training and assessment tools. Stakeholdership as a modern mechanism, the problem of focusing on employers’ needs, the stages of the education programme (EP) development and the criteria for assessing the learning outcomes achievement are discussed in details. The quality of education is determined by the quality of the results of the educational process, where the educational achievements of students and the qualifications of graduates become the main components of education quality. The purpose of the study is aimed to summarize the practice of using assessment tools as the key factors and conditions for establishing learning outcomes. The research methodology used is quantitative and qualitative data analysis as well as analysis of class observation in AITU done within the research on learning outcomes achievement. The choice and design of teaching technology are primarily determined by the type of students’ competencies, characteristics of the planned learning outcomes for each level of competence (knowledge, skills, and experience). Constant improvement of EP content and educational technologies as a key factor of education services quality is a vital demand.

Author Biography

S. Burbekova, Astana IT University, Kazakhstan

Candidate of philological sciences, Associate Professor of the
Department of Social Sciences


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How to Cite

Burbekova, S. (2022). FACTORS FOR ACHIEVING LEARNING OUTCOMES: OVERVIEW OF ASTANA IT UNIVERSITY’S EXPERIENCE . Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 21–31. https://doi.org/10.37943/AITU.2021.10.44.003



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